Happy Birthday RJ Mickey!
Now you are eligible enough to have your own driving license so that next time Guru won’t be able to takeover the driving part all alone! 😂
From matching ringtones to similar thoughts and ideas, we never failed to read each other's mind before uttering a word. We bonded over work at first! I remember it was the ending of the first semester when you asked me to help you with your photography project and that’s when we started talking and prepared for our final together — you, me, Mohit and Yen. I remember we use to talk more about Harry Potter than prepare for our exams!
It’s second semester and January and cold as well! 🍦 And you joined me, I mean you were a backbench-er in first semester so it was quite shocking when you sat beside me on the second row! Wow!
Then Mohit happens to make a short film shooting it at my place at night, which later on didn’t got its smooth way but, in that schedule I got my first sleep over which was as my place but yeah it was first time when a friend of mine was staying with me. We had a blast! Like it was the best ever time of my life and from then you became my constant sleep over partner (you must have been to my place for like 5–6 times, that too for 2–3 days!😂).
Now comes the time when I came up with the idea of joining AD Radio and asked you and Nikita about that as well. We all hesitated at first thinking that our voice is not that apt but we tried and you pushed me to dissolve my hesitation in air and I am glad you did! And after one month of efforts and ideas we became RJ’s! Wuhuuu🎙
Our Aaja Nachle dance, which we prepared a night ago before performing it in the competition. We prepared it of course over another night stay ;p but it was hilarious, we practiced all night and during performance we forgot the steps 🤣 now that’s a perfect dance to remember!
And last but not the least, our group GAMMSY, which is made from the first initials of our group members names. So, yeah GAMMSY was a group which happened out of a nowhere situation. Sounds weird right? but that’s how it happened, so can’t help it!
So, before signing off I just want to say one last thing to you “You are still the most hungriest person I ever met in my life Chudail! Now go and cast a spell on a Subway employee and get me a free Subway 😋”.